Monday, October 26, 2009

Thomas, 4th Grade, Reviews Eoin Colfer's "Artemis Fowl"

Artemis Fowl is about a 12- year old criminal mastermind. His dad invested a lot of money into a failed market (transporting cola to Russia) so their fortune is not as big as it used to be. So when his father went missing, he took over the family and will do anything to regain his fortune, legal or illegal.  He even tries to steal the fairies gold (in this book, fairies are real)! I like this book because you want to see if Artemis outsmarts the fairies. I think it’s a good read for 4th and 5th graders.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ashley, 5th Grade, Reviews Lemony Snicket's "The Wide Window"

The Wide Window is about three children named Violet, Klaus, and Sunny who have bad luck. Their parents died in a house fire so they ended up in the care of their Aunt Josephine. Aunt Josephine ends up living in a cave. Captain Sham forced her to leave so he could have the kids to himself. The kids spent their time with him as slaves trying to escape and reunite with their aunt.
My favorite part was when the kids found Aunt Josephine. I liked that section because they missed her and were worried sick. I love reunions!
My least favorite part was when Aunt Josephine had to pretend to jump out the window but ran out the front door instead.
I would recommed this book to kids like me who enjoy reading adventures.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thomas, 5th Grade, Reviews "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".

Harry better watch out! The mass murderer Sirius Black is after him after breaking out of the wizard prison, Azkaban. This has never been done because it is guarded by dementors, evil creatures who suck the joy and happiness out of you. Most prisoners are driven mad from the lack of a happy memory! Twelve years prior Sirius betrayed Harry’s parents to Lord Voldemort, the most feared wizard ever! Now Harry is being hunted down by Black. Meanwhile at Hogwarts, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Remus Lupin is teaching the class how to deal with everything from boggarts to Red Caps. He even teaches Harry how to use the Patronus charm (the only known defense against dementors) after Harry encounters some dementors on school grounds. Professor Dumbledore was furious; he clearly stated that the dementors stay off school grounds. The dementors are at Hogwarts to protect the students against Sirius Black. But the dementors grew restless, they longed for fear, anger, and misery. That is what they feed off of. It’s their version of steak or chicken. In other words, food. The worst they can do is the Dementor’s Kiss. They suck your soul out of you! You’ll live, but you’ll be a shell, with no thoughts, feelings, etc. It’s a very good book. I would suggest it to 6th , 7th, and 8th graders. I hope you’ll enjoy it!