Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chris, 10th Grade, Writes About Summer @ Library

Summers for me often consist of tennis camp and a lot of video games, things that can get old fast.  But, when I was little I would go to the library almost every day and take part in the different activities that would be going on there.  From what I can remember, I had a lot of fun.   I recently started volunteering here at the library and the children’s center.  Watching the kids play on the computers and learn to read is a real joy!  I really like how they can make fun out of anything!  All of this makes me wish that I was one of them playing on the computers and doing the arts and crafts.  Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to see more of these kids as I get to volunteer at more of these events over the course of the summer.  These are things that do not ‘get old fast.’   

Photograph taken by Alice Roche, Children's Department Staff Member.