Friday, July 3, 2009

A Tribute to Our Volunteers by High School Student & Summer Staff Member Corinne

Volunteers are essential to the summer reading program- the program would be impossible to run if we didn’t have the help of the volunteers. I feel the volunteers deserve a special thank you- some of them will attend the picnic or the volunteer pizza party, but many will not get anything for their hard work besides a sense of satisfaction and, hopefully, some fun.

The volunteers do not just listen to the book reports. Some also keep the library tidy and help shelve books. Many volunteers suggest reading materials to patrons at the library and draw members to the reading club. Most volunteers participated in the program themselves when they were younger, so they know how essential the volunteers are.

So, thank you in advance to any and all volunteers this summer- the program couldn’t work without you.

Photograph by Alice Roche, Saturday Staff Member